Course curriculum

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    Off Ice Training Guide

    • Off Season Training Guide 2024

    • Off Season Training Guide 2024- Part 2

    • Barbell Strategy Section For Your Training Explained

    • Shooting Section For Your Training Explained

    • Rollerblades Section For Your Training Explained

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    Ruthless Strength Training

    • Intro to Ruthless Strength Training

    • Why the Ruthless Strength Program

    • 3 Reps 3 Sets 3 Exercises

    • Bench Press Deep Dive

    • Romanian Deadlift Deep Dive

    • KneesOverToes / ATG Split Squat Deep Dive

    • KneesOverToes / ATG Split Squat Form

    • Using RST with Other Programs

    • Create Your Own Programs with RST

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    Downhill Skating Off Ice Simulation

    • Corkscrew Simulation

    • 10&2 Simulation

    • Hockey Ready Stance Simulation

    • Stride Simulation

    • Lateral Movement Simulation

    • Crossunder Simulation

    • Downhill Simulation Routine